ciciVIEW .sldasm, .sldprt
ciciVIEW .fbx
ciciVIEW .dae, .zae
ciciVIEW .obj
ciciVIEW .osgb, .osgt, .osg, .osgx
ciciVIEW .3ds


ciciVIEW Standard

ciciVIEW Professional

64-bit architecture
OpenGL 3.2 support
API: C++, .NET
Interface & Workflow
Multiple projects open at once
Customizable toolbars / layouts / menus
Standard and dark interface schemes
Heads-up display
Selection / display filters
Stereo display in Viewport
Object highlighting
Data Exchange / Format Support
Image formats: bmp, tiff, jpg, png
Read OpenSceneGraph file: osg, ive, osgt, osgb
Read Autodesk FBX file: fbx
Read Wavefront OBJ file: obj
Read 3D-Studio file format: 3ds
Read Stereolithography file: stl
Read COLLADA file: dae
Write OpenSceneGraph file: osg, ive, osgt, osgb
Write Autodesk FBX file: fbx, fbx-dae, fbx-obj
Write Wavefront OBJ file: obj
Write 3D-Studio file format: 3ds
Write OSG.JS file: osgjs
Write Stereolithography file: stl
Write COLLADA file: dae
Render to image of custom size
Stereo rendering
HDR rendering
Request ciciVIEW Standard

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